CLEANISLAND is a family of converters developed to respond to the needs of Energy Storage systems in a flexible way. They are connected both to the grid (grid storage) and connected to an island user or to an isolated grid (hybrid systems).

In the first case, the PCS (Power Converter System) manages the charge and discharge of a battery connected, through the grid, in parallel to a renewable energy production system, with the aim of uniforming over time the energy supplied to the grid itself.

In the second case, the PCS connects a renewable energy production system to an isolated user or an isolated grid and, at the same time, it manages the charge and discharge of a battery, with the purpose of ensuring supply continuity to the island load. The PCS has two modes of operation:

  • Grid following: the PCS is connected to an isolated grid to which other sources of production are connected and therefore it works as an inverter connected to the grid

  • Grid forming: the PCS is the master generator that supplies the island load

PCS for Energy Storage

The PCS of the Cleanisland Family can work with any type of battery: from the Lithium to the Vanadium Redox flow and they have power range from 30 kW to 500 kW.

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